Erdogan from Turkey wants to broker a peace deal and gives 24 hours notice to ceasefire all warring parties. Hopefully that will help solve the issues.

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Hi Kathleen 😊

Thanks for the update. Wonder what he may do if no one ceases.

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I think he said he would do everything in support of Gaza and he says Hamas are militants like the muhajadin that are defending the people in Gaza, etc. Col. Douglas Macgregor said that he learned there was U.S. and IDF forces that went into Gaza to rescue hostages: [these forces were all shot up] failed mission.

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First I've heard of a failed hostage release operation. It could be true. And that means more US troops coming.

Even more alarming are the hits by pro - Israeli militants in Iran's capital, Tehran. Military commands posts hit hard with explosives.

Iran will respond.

We're running into WW3.

Thanks to Nutty-ahu and Bogus Biden and their staffs of vampires.

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Alex Mercurious from the Duran also reported what I heard Col. Douglas Macgregor say. Alex thinks he's likely to have several sources in the military that told him. I hadn't heard about the hit in Iran. This whole thing is really out of control. It's really nerve wracking.

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Well, I respect Col MacGregor. He's been pretty accurate.

And Biden's people are taking advantage of a stalled Congress to go ahead and wage war. Because that's what we're doing.

And Turkey's Ergodan is supporting the Palestinians, which could break NATO's unity. What a mess!!

Time to pray 🙏

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Been praying a lot. Now I can't sleep. Oh well.

I'll just stay up.

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