Hi Larry, My draft number evaporated when Saigon fell in '75, so no spring chicken either. Anyways, Semper Fi. My Bible study mentor was a Marine at the Chosin reservoir.

Blood moons are a sign in the heavens, perhaps relating to the seemingly upcoming civil war.

Sorry I'm late. Hang in there.

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Thank you, Thomas! Thank you for your service to our country. And yes, Blood Moons are a sign in the heavens, and there may be another a civil war in America. I pray not, but discussion, speaking out, refusing to participate in evil plans, boycotting ridiculous companies and retailers and refusing the junk jabs, along with refusing mask mandates are all ways to fight back before a war comes, and maybe help prevent such a war. We may have to use private schools, etc. Thanks again, Thomas! Semper Fi!!

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I only had a draft number but was not called, so I never served. I do appreciate the discipline acquired by many who did serve.

The Bible does speak of civil war, especially in the end times, referenced in the old and new Testaments.

I agree with all of your above stated actions. We must never aid and abet the enemy and seek to protect the innocent.

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Absolutely sir! Protect and defend because freedom is not free.

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