Figure 1: JFK ( photo.)
Figure 2: Francis Richard Conolly’s Film: “JFK to 911…” via Rumble.
Figure 3: Vladimir Lenin, Bolshevik who imposed a radical Marxism on formerly Tsarist Russia.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Larry Sullivan coming to you with our third podcast.
And this is our Blood Moon series of discussions.
I wanted to start today by picking up on a Substack article that I had written a little bit earlier, entitled The Sounds of Silence, Part One.
And of course, that Substack article is available to you.
And really, it talks about
or it discusses the phenomena that we're seeing where we're seeing certain scientists, biologists, people of note, who are suddenly becoming very, very quiet.
Now, there's different ways that happens.
Sometimes it happens because they get elderly and retire.
Sometimes it happens because they perhaps lose interest in a certain subject and just stop talking about it.
Sometimes it happens because they become very, very busy with other concerns in life.
And sometimes it happens because they get threatened or beaten, abused.
And sometimes it happens because they get killed.
And so today we're going to be looking at the sounds of silence as it affects
The United States.
It has affected the United States for a very long time.
And one of the most seminal moments in our history where America experienced the sounds of silence phenomena, I believe was the JFK assassination.
Now here was an assassination in broad daylight and in a major American city on a sunny day in front of thousands and thousands of people.
And to any reasonably intelligent individual, there was more than one rifleman involved.
Many, many witnesses that day said there were multiple rifle shots from different areas on Elm Street where the President's motorcade was passing at the time the assassination took place.
But many of those testimonies were suppressed.
Those people were, well, silenced.
And we found out later on that they had given depositions, they had talked to police, in some cases they had talked to the FBI or they had talked to other federal agents.
But a lot of that information, while some of it did make it into the Warren Commission files, a lot of it was never released to the public for many, many, many years.
So the question becomes, why did they silence the American people?
Weren't they interested in finding out what really happened?
Didn't they want the American people to discuss what had happened to their own president in a very public shooting of their president?
And if they could silence America then, how much more so with all the technology that they have at their disposal, can they silence America now?
And who is the they?
Who are, I should say, the they
to which I'm referring.
Am I talking about just a few people that have a little power?
And have been, they and their descendants have been around for decades and here they are, you know, about 60 years after the assassination of JFK, still wielding enormous amounts of power.
There is a little bit more to it than that.
And is this related?
Is this silencing phenomena related to the Great Reset in some way?
And if so, how?
Well, these are some of the things we could talk about today.
But you know, there's always been a great mystery or a number of mysteries surrounding what happened to JFK.
Why was he assassinated?
Who did the assassination?
Who was involved?
Was it
A Lone Man, A Lone Gunman.
Deranged, Angry, Bitter, Communist Leading.
Who did the assassination?
Or was Lee Harvey Oswald, as he said himself, just a patsy?
And what about all the sources that have come out since the death of JFK?
The books, the videos, the articles.
You have Mark Lane, Jim Mars,
Many, many writers have written about JFK.
One of the more current authors is Francis Richard Connolly, who was an historian, British historian, and he wrote the book JFK to 9-11.
And it is pretty current.
And because it's current, that's one of the sources that we're going to use in this podcast, just to discuss the phenomenon a little bit.
Now, he claims that it was in fact a conspiracy, as did many of the other writers, Lane and Mars and many others.
It was a conspiracy.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a Patsy.
Connolly says he wasn't even in the building at the time of the assassination, if I remember correctly.
But we're going to rely
for the most part on his material because it is the most up to date that I've been able to find that is as exhaustive and as complete in terms of the extent of the coverage as we need it to be in order to have some in-depth understanding of what may have happened.
But I want to caution that what I'm going to say is largely based on what he has provided.
And I hope I
Interpret his comments correctly if I make a mistake.
Francis, if you're out there, you can certainly let me know and I'll correct it.
Or if anybody else hears something that I say that you think is erroneous, let me know and I'll correct that.
But I want to be as precise as I can.
And so we're going to talk a little bit, and this will be a little bit longer of a podcast than what we've had so far, about some of the things that went on prior to
John F. Kennedy's assassination, and then some of the ongoing current events during the timeframe of the assassination, and then some of the consequences afterward.
And of course, I want to invite my subscribers, any curious listener who wants to join in to join us on chat.
I normally open my chat up, my chat feature on Substack up so that people can
Ken O'Connolly, they can send comments and so on if they have something that they think is noteworthy that they want to say.
So if we look at Connolly's film and his book, he's got the book is of the same title, by the way, and this came out several years ago, but very, very exhaustive research.
And what he says is that a group of powerful men, and they're almost always men and almost always white,
And certainly always very, very wealthy, multi-millionaires in their day.
Certainly they would be billionaires in this day.
And they were kind of like some, not all, but some of the movers and shakers of society.
And they had always had a principal impact on the course of history.
Now, I think Conley tends to refer to these people collectively as the Illuminati.
And whether you believe that there is an Illuminati as a specific organization or just a catch-all phrase to describe certain elites, certain globalists in some cases, and the power that they have, and the fact that they sometimes work together on projects that they agree upon, or if you think they're a part of a very particular, very specific organization,
that has long existed and has malintent toward the general society.
That's something that you have to decide for yourself, but it's very, very difficult to find absolute proof about who these people are and what they all belong to you and what the commonalities are without running the risk of making some mistake.
But there's enough there.
There's enough solid historical record available
to certainly make a strong suggestion that if they didn't have a single specific overriding organization to which they were members, they acted, they behaved as if they did.
And this allowed them to coordinate things and get things done with a high level of efficiency once they agreed upon certain names and certain goals.
So we have to pick a point in history to begin with.
Now, we can go all the way back to before America even became the United States.
Before the colonial period, we could go back in the history way, way, way back into the Middle Ages and even earlier into the Dark Ages, the period of late antiquity, even ancient times, and discuss this kind of connectivity.
But I'm just going to pick something in more contemporaneous American history.
And that will be
What brought Hitler to power and some of the things that happened after because it's very closely related to what ended up happening to JFK and what transpired on a global scale thereafter.
So if you look at the Bolshevik revolution in Russia before Hitler came to power and shortly before the close of World War I, when the Russians were losing so badly on the battlefield and their struggle against the Germans,
in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they were losing so badly that they sued for separate peace.
And this, along with many other terrible, terrible things that have happened in Tsarist Russia's recent history, including starvation, food shortages all the time, famine, political dissent, revolution, revolutionary movements, all these terrible, terrible things that unfolded in Tsarist Russia.
bought about what became known as the Socialist Revolutions.
And there were several, it wasn't just the Bolsheviks, there were several, but first there were the Mensheviks in 1917, 1918 timeframe.
They were not able to really form a strong government and they were displaced by the Bolsheviks led by Lenin, Vladimir Lenin.
And Lenin, um,
was pretty much a hardcore Marxist.
And he had certain very fixed ideas about what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it.
And he very quickly set upon a program to establish a truly socialist state with collectivization.
He wouldn't do it right away.
He was going to have economic policies that would lead to collectivization.
But most of the people in the know
JFK, Before and After
totally outraged the wealthy class.
And they became very frightened, according to Connolly, that this might spread, the communist revolutions might spread, and they might, for example, become a powerful force in France or Germany or even the United Kingdom.
It might even spread to America.
After all, socialists had ran candidates in the U.S.
elections before, going all the way back to the early 1900s.
And so there was a fear, there was a palpable fear.
So some of the more elite members of American society, British society, and even some people in Sweden and some other Western European countries got together and said, we need to find someone around whom or something, some movement around which we can
build opposition to the communist movement because it's a threat to capitalism and that makes it a threat to us.
Now realizing that a lot of these people really had socialist leanings themselves, that's a different thing than saying they wanted it imposed upon them.
They don't mind, they don't mind imposing socialism upon you, even draconian tyrannical socialism upon you if it serves their interests and they still get the profits.
They have no problem with that whatsoever.
That's what both fascism and communism do, but they didn't want it imposed upon them and their progeny.
And so they began to look about for someone or something that they can hang their political features on.
And they found it in Adolf Hitler.
Here was a guy, he was a young man in the 1920s.
Suffered horribly during the First World War as a frontline soldier, communications runner, decorator for bravery in combat, absolutely zealous in his political beliefs, certainly psychotic.
They didn't care about that.
In fact, they were happy about that because that was sort of their ends.
But he was a good speaker.
He was a mesmerizing speaker.
He could get people to pay attention to him.
And he was preaching nationalism, identity, identity politics that the German people did in fact identify with and he was picking up some popularity.
And so people in the Union Bank, people in some of the finance centers, certain folks like Montague Norman in the banking sector in London, got together with folks like Hamar Shack,
in Germany.
And these bankers and financiers began to put money into the coffers of the NASDAQ, the early Nazi party, the National Socialist Workers' Party in Germany, headed up by Adolf Hitler.
And they sponsored his movement.
And eventually, of course, Hitler comes to power in 1933.
Now, Fritz Thyssen, who was a steel magnate of Germany at that time, and also a banker, basically said, I paid Hitler.
Hitler was pretty much an employee of mine.
And so the Illuminati thought they had control of Hitler.
They believed it.
They financed him, they puffed him, and even wrote the letter to Hindenburg to help get Hitler appointed as chancellor in 1933.
Hindenburg did not like Hitler.
President Hindenburg thought Hitler was a psychotic, dangerous, upstart little corporal with a bad attitude.
He didn't like Hitler at all.
But he listened to the wealthy people that had supported him and he ended up supporting Hitler.
And how did this turn out?
Well, Hitler comes to power and they do in fact invade the Soviet Union.
So here's the high watermark
for the Illuminati folks.
If Hitler prevails, the communist movement pretty much gets destroyed.
But Hitler did not prevail.
Now, this is the strange part.
The same people that sponsored Hitler ended up sponsoring Joseph Stalin in this fight against Hitler.
And you might ask yourself, why did that happen?
How did that happen?
And I think a lot of it is the fact that once Hitler came to power,
He began to stab a lot of the bankers, so to speak, in the back, particularly if they were Jewish bankers.
And so the fear became, well, if Hitler is successful, he might come after all the elites and take all of our money and close down all of our banks.
And he might end up being a bigger threat to us than Joseph Stalin himself.
There were mixed views, mixed opinions, but they ended up pumping a great deal of money through American government liaison, if you will, to Stalin as well.
Stalin wins out, the globalists start leaning to the left, and we move forward in history.
People that supported Hitler, by the way, were people like Prescott Bush, Avro Harriman.
These are secret
L Sully's Blood Moon Podcast featuring Larry Sullivan
Stalin's on top, the Soviet Union and the United States have prevailed, but they disagree with each other.
The elites in each country each can't disagree with each other on how the world should develop into the future.
And so the Cold War develops.
And it is in that context that we arrive at the election of John F. Kennedy in 1961.
Well, actually, the election was 1960, but he took office in 61.
So what happened?
Where did things go wrong?
You know, he was assassinated November 22nd, 1963 in Delos, about two and a half years into his presidency.
But things went terribly wrong because he began to realize the dangers that were surrounding his office, that were threatening to take power, the appropriate power, the people's power away from the presidency.
away from Congress, away from the Supreme Court and divert it into the hands of these business people, these banking people.
And it bothered him.
It disturbed him so much that he actually made a speech about it.
And I think it was in 1962, he made a speech warning about the acquisition of power by this secret elite movement.
And one of the precipitating events, of course, was the Bay of Pigs fiasco in Cuba, where our elitists, who were so concerned now about Fidel Castro taking over Cuba and closing down all the casinos and all the businesses.
So here's the thing with the communist high tide is getting close to America, made the Illuminati people nervous, and they pressured Eisenhower in the closing year of his presidency to do something about it.
So, when Kennedy took over, the planning for what became known as the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba was already underway.
Kennedy did give the green light to it, but it was an utter disaster.
The Cubans found out, there were leaks, and the Cuban freedom fighters that went in were absolutely annihilated by the Cuban military.
Kennedy was embarrassed, his administration was embarrassed,
and he said at the time I'm going to take the CIA and tear it into a thousand pieces because he felt they had not given him accurate information he had been deceived and he fires Alan Dulles who's the director of the CIA and that was probably not the best guy to fire because it turns out that Alan Dulles is into the secret society movement up to his ears had been associated with the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell on way way back
to the First World War, along with his older brother, John Foster Dawes, and they had helped to write the Versailles Treaty.
These are very, very powerful, interconnected, globalist men.
Not the kind of guys you want to fire unless you have maybe 50 lawyers and 50 bodyguards surrounding you at all times, which of course the President should have.
But Kennedy didn't take his security all that seriously.
Well, you can see that in the way he rode around that day in downtown Dallas in an open vehicle with the top off of his Lincoln Continental presidential limousine.
So who assassinated Mr. Kennedy?
How did that all come about?
Who all was involved?
Connelly says there were eight assassins, not just two or three.
The final assassination didn't take place on the grassy knoll as is commonly depicted in several films.
And there are a lot more people involved in it than what is commonly known.
And the night before the assassination, a very large group of politicians, multimillionaires who today would be billionaires, all got together at the residence of an oil magnate in Dallas.
by the name of Clint Murchison.
Now, I'm not going to say Murchison was involved or guilty.
I'm not going to cast aspersions until I've done some more research.
But this is just what Connolly's reporting.
But I do want to be fair to everyone involved.
So I'll look into that angle more.
But according to Connolly, a lot of people attended this party, about 22 very senior people.
And they were celebrating the upcoming death of John F. Kennedy.
It was sort of in the bag.
It was understood that the very next day he was going to be taken out.
And they were in a happy, gleeful mood.
And who was there?
Well, according to Conley, a lot of people there.
Richard Nixon was there.
Lyndon Baines Johnson was there.
Hoover was there.
A lot of very, very senior people in government.
Who was involved?
Herbert Walker Bush, supposedly was involved.
He was the CIA station chief.
In that area at the time, LBJ, Lyndon Baines Johnson, was involved.
He even used his own personal assassin, a guy by the name, I think, if the memory serves, Mark Wallace, was employed to help bring about the assassination, and a whole lot of people.
And what came after this conspiracy, this pre-celebrated conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy?
How do they silence everybody?
How do they get all these witnesses' depositions not to go on CBS News?
And the ones that did get aired were sharply criticized later on as just confused people in a moment of hysteria.
How did this great suppression of information take place?
Why did they classify so many testimonies and so many documents?
And some of it's still not released to the public.
60 years after the assassination.
And they're still keeping us in the dark on many details.
Why did they have to do that?
Who were they protecting?
Were they protecting CIA field agents, as they often say?
Or were they just protecting themselves and their money and their power?
And are they still at that game of protection and lying and deceit and manipulation?
What is the aftermath?
If they can get away with the assassination of the president in broad daylight in front of thousands of people, what else might they try to do?
Would they try to do a great reset, perhaps?
Would they use a fake pandemic, perhaps?
Would they slaughter and murder millions of people in the guise of a zoonotic crossover virus?
Perhaps these are questions we can and probably should discuss, so I'd like to invite you to do just that.
Let's have that discussion, and I thank you for your time.
Please feel free to chat.
I'll open my chat a little later on my sub stack, and hopefully I'll see and hear from you there.
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