Let’s talk tonight about Beastly Kingdoms and Candidates for Antichrist and what this may say about actual current events:
Figure 1: The Seven Headed, Ten Horned Beast of Revelation Chapter 13: A combination of the most powerful governments into one? And its number, 666, represents “the number of a man.” (Image: PastorPaulAllen.wordpress.com.)
Figure 2: Now that’s scary! Who will be the Antichrist? What is the Antichrist? First and Last leader of the New World Order? Scholars say an eventual global order is implied in Daniel Chapter 7. Apostle John says whoever denies Jesus as the Christ is Antichrist (first and second John). Nowadays that could be just about anyone in our corrupted politics. But surely not “what difference does it make” Hillary! She’s a Methodist! Really. Yea, really. Really! Believe me! (Info source: Learnreligions.com.) (Image: New York Post.)
Figure 3: Billionaire Computer tech-nerd turned vicious-Vaccine-hugger turned Beer-Baron Bill Gates: Anyone who continues to invest heavily in Bud Light after its $40 Billion loss since it went woke-wack, can’t be all good, right? I mean, Bud Light is slop, and its corporate social policy is absurd. So, could junk-jab-clot-shot, Billie-Boy be Antichrist? Sure seems qualified. But maybe he’s just “evil light,” too. (Source: Family&Pets.com.)
Figure 4: A “Doctor Evil” form of Donald Trump? Could Trump be secretly “evil?” (New York Magazine.)
By way of introduction to today’s topic, the following is a paraphrased entry from me on KK’s Substack, addressed to no one in particular, and as it is general in nature, no one is impacted by its release:
Quick question:
Who wins if Trump goes to prison before the 2024 election? Who would replace Trump as the Republican Party frontrunner? At the moment, no other candidate has a firm hold on votes. Biden could literally sleep his way into re-election, or maybe Kamala will cackle her way in as Biden falls off the stage. Or maybe Hillary pushes her arrogant way back in.
Figure 5: Is the great Jewish, Black guy, Cornpop-slammin’, Union Employee, two- fisted, Semi-truck driving, push-up champion, iron-jawed, Athlete Joe Biden finally falling away to retirement? (Telegraph.co.uk.)
Figure 6: Could cackling cracked Kamala Harris come to the rescue? Uh, Maye Beevis and Butthead instead? (WWW.YouTube.com.)
Figure 7: If Beevis and Butthead were real and could ever get on the ticket for President and Vice President, would it really get any worse than it already is? (Titlovi.com.)
Regardless, the leftist Democrats will win if Trump is out when no other conservative candidate has the votes to carry the fight. Besides Trump, who do we have? Ramaswamy? Billionaire WEF dude. Chris Christie? They have to roll him to the podium. Not happening. Nicki Haley? She wants to strip retirement from the elderly. Don't think so. So, who do we have? RFK Jr? He's a lifelong democrat - one of the few decent ones, but he is a democrat. What a mess!
So, is a financially troubled Trump going along with a scheme to destroy the Republican Party and ensure the socialists establish their insane global order? Could the implementors of the Great Reset have reached an agreement with Trump? Its just a hypothetical question. But considering the stakes, its worthy of thought and discussion. The globalists don't actually have to keep Trump in prison - just make us think he's in prison. The Donald could fly to Fiji and play golf while we think he's in the slammer. We need to think outside the box, like the globalists do. And we need to do that so that we can craft alternative strategies if wildly unusual events do unfold. We need alternatives to Trump, even for those who like him, because Trump's probably going to jail - at least officially - on at least one of those 200 or so felony charges. And that situation would change everything - including the trajectory for the Truth and Freedom Movement.
And I don't want to see Miss Karen Kingston's work forfeited because we failed to line up alternatives. Ideas? 🤔
What would it mean to democracy?
to Freedom?
To the Truth Movement in the medical and public health fields?
**Could a Darkhorse Candidate, someone notable, like the attorney Abraham Lincoln, but not well known in politics, someone like Elon Musk for instance, enter the race as a Republican or, more likely, an Independent, and have a change at winning the white house? And what wuld that portend?
Figure 8: Could Elon Musk secretly be “evil” as well? Could he enter the presidential race and, given his wealth and fame, have a real shot at the Whitehouse? (Source: whimsicalblogspot.com.) Elon, believe me, Beevis and Butthead are much more entertaining.
There is reason to believe that if the leftists and globalists remain in power in the US and in Western Europe for the next four or five years, a global tyranny will be fully in place. (The “Thrivetime” program with Clay Clark covers this extensively.)
This might include:
Implementation of significant portions of the Green New Deal policy “package.”
Reduced carbon
Use of clean energy
A new modern, efficient energy grid that includes building upgrades
Jobs and economic growth in new, emerging industries
Social justice to reduce economic inequality by sharing clean energy
Use of Sustainable Agriculture to reduce greenhouse gases and improve soil health
R&D for new technologies
Carbon tax in the US along with single payer Healthcare
Figure 9: GND Nutjob AOC pushes the US Senate to pass GND legislation, but they, uh, pushed back. (Image: Nationalreview.com.) Still, the leftist lunatics will keep trying.
A series of planned pandemics to reduce populations and control the remnants.
Limited tactical/operation to Strategic Thermonuclear Warfare or neutron warfare to further reduce populations.
The eradication of the power of nations, states, provinces, etc.; they will exist only as administrative tools with no policy discretion.
A UN System based One World Government comprised of WEF select leaders along with key CCP leaders (the two organizations are closely allied, at least for now) with the WHO in charge of all healthcare policies - including the implementation of concentration camps for dissidents. (Source: Charley Kirk, turning point USA.)
A Single Global Currency based on a radical restructuring of debt and assignment of CBDC deposits based on Social Credit Scores.
The destruction of Capitalism in favor of Stakeholder Socialism
The abolishment of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in favor of a global citizen’s contract
Is there a precedent for this sort of event?
Close, but no cigar; as in Teddy Roosevelt running against Taft in 1912, ensuring the presidency for Democrat Woodrow Wilson - who reestablished a central US banking system and took America into WW1. The national debt increases from around 3 billion in 1913 to 7.4 billion by 1919.
Later, in 1992, billionaire Ross Perot entered the campaign as an independent, taking votes from HW Bush and ensuring globalist goof ball Bill Clinton’s victory, with all the hell that followed.
Tighter sanctions on Iraq - wrecked its economy and fed into radicalization.
Executive Orders rescinds abortion restrictions.
Bill appoints his wife, Hillary to lead Healthcare Reform
First World Trade Center Attack
Don’t ask don’t tell policy.
Taxes for the rich are “increased.”
Brady Act for gun purchase background checks
Renews favored nation status for China.
Lincoln was a dark horse candidate and consider the results.
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